MindCuber NXT

Jun 27, 2012 by

Originally designed by David Gilday, OneMindstorm built the MindCuber to test out and compare it with the other Lego Mindstorm Rubix Cube Solvers. The MindCuber is the best Rubix Cube Solver we have ever seen. When we first began to build this robot, we thought it wouldn’t work, such as the Tilted Twister by Hans Andersson it never worked the robot couldn’t detect the colors correctly. But, the MindCuber worked, it is better than the One Armed Wonder which we demoed earlier. This solver doesn’t require a computer and it can complete its task with a color sensor. We give this robot a 10 out of 10. David Gilday did a wonderful job creating this amazing robot.

Building & Programming MindCuber
1. Download the Building Instructions and Program Here


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  1. Ahmed

    can u send me the link of the program, because when i click on the program link shown above it directs me to the home page of the website.

  2. Yuzuru

    Is there a way to turn this into a science fair project? For example, what kind of hypothesis could you use for this?

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